Well, after a brief nap we are awake again. We are pleased to announce larger contraction waves have begun… still smiles! Kathryn visions herself as riding a small single person rowboat in large ocean swells. Paddling up the wave and slowing herself down on the other side. Let the Pirate jokes begin! Also, much excitement that Kathryn is now a full five cm dilated, 10 cm being the magic number. High fives all around the room. (pain levels at 4.5 on 10 scale).
Wow, just thinking about you and checked the blog. Sounds like you're doing great! Keep up the good work. I never managed to impress anyone with the amount of fluid when my water broke any of my four times. Very impressive!
The best is yet to come. Keep breathing...hee, hee, ho! We're praying for you, Troy and little one!
Kris Roberson
I'm hoping the mantra "I dont' believe in pain" is still filling the room and your heart and soul.
OKAY ... love the visuals ... but the water breaking might have been TMI! You'll have to ride the waves without some of us now ... we're going to bed hoping for EXCITING news when we wake up. Sorry you've had such a long day but God's timing is perfect!! We love you and will support you!!
XXOO Debbie
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