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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Labor day 1

Welcome thrill seekers! Today is Labor Day… as in “THE LABOR” day! Your special blogger host today will be the man behind the belly, T-Roy. We welcome you to our birthing experience and will post updates as often as we (I) can. We are all settled in and Kathryn is resting comfortably. We’ve not yet official induced yet. The induction drugs should begin in the next 30 minutes. Frozen fruit bars (check), Gatorade (check), favorite red pillow (check), labor bracelet (check), rose quartz from china (check)… All systems GO! Stay tuned for the next great adventures of Baby Ransdell and the Birth Saga!

1 comment:

Mrs.Preppy said...

I will checking often! We are thinking about the growing Ransdell family today.