Once my blog passed the 10,000 "hits" mark, Troy suggested that we try Google Ads. I initially resisted because I'm more than 36 weeks pregnant and anything requiring extra effort is not on the plan these days AND I resisted because these randomly generated ads could pop-up just about anything and I would not want an innocent person to have to see an ad for "Stretchmark cream" or "New Body in 10 Days diet potion." But Troy persisted, so I told him that if he was willing to install it, then I would drop my resistance.
So GoogleAds, based on my blog content, "guesses" who might be reading my blog and then places ads they think those readers would want to see. I have to say, I'm a bit disappointed in myself....Apparently there is nothing about my blog except church because so far, all the ads are about churches. Where's the random ads? Am I not more diverse in my writings that all I talk about is church? Where's the information for yoga and ayurvedic? Where's the psychiatrist who wants to address my break-downs? Where's the ad for chocolate cake and cold milk? I need to diversify my life if all I generate is google ads about churches--and non-denominational churches that sound more like Frisco's old "saloons" (ex. Mustang Ranch in Forney, TX). And I apologize right now for any ad that pops-up with bad theology, especially end times and goofy stuff about how much Jesus loves you and if you've prayed "that prayer" lately.
So Google Ads is on a trial basis...enjoy!