The past 9 months have been a dance of conversations as people discovered our choice for the birth of this baby--to use a midwife as our main medical caregiver and strive for natural childbirth. I learned early on that the adjective "natural" to describe childbirth is defined by the person using the term. For us it meant that we wanted the least medical intervention possible during the birthing process AND we wanted medical interventional available at moment's notice if needed. That's what led us to Women's Health Alliance at Baylor Hospital and ultimately to our midwife, Lindsey Stephens. (Lindsey is pictured above holding Ethan about 5 hours after he was born.)
Troy did an incredible job blogging our 24-hour labor experience and the blog is not complete without discussion of Lindsey and the two nurses who helped us, Becky and Jenni. Our office visits with Lindsey instilled great confidence in her medical intelligence and insight. Pregnancy care is an art and a science and she combined the two beautifully as we progressed through the months and then faced this past month of changing conditions.
But at the birth, all 24 hours of it, Lindsey showed us the art of delivery. She gave us the space to create the experience we wanted, and, like a master artist, she took the brush when needed and painted the strokes that helped me, Troy, and most importantly, Ethan, come to life in the crucible of childbirth.
There were some tense moments in the context of those 24 hours and Lindsey coached us and sympathized with us. And there were some damn funny moments too. I never expected to laugh myself silly with my midwife, my nurse and my husband when all 4 of us were amazed by the "river."
Lindsey is an amazing caregiver and she is fulfilling her calling that is grounded in science and guided by the Spirit. As I said earlier, natural childbirth is not for everyone. It takes a strong desire to want the outcome and it takes 9 months of mental, physical and spiritual preparation. And, natural childbirth takes a medical professional like Lindsey who has the depth in her soul to bring two people like us through the night. And, natural childbrith takes incredible nurses who don't have to be committed to my outcome, but still chose to be, and they also carried us through the night and into the light of the morning to welcome our beautiful baby.
I also want to thank all the people who hung on with us through the night, read Troy's posts, kept us in prayer, and left comments. When the going was tough, Troy shared with me someone's words of encouragement. Those words helped me to remember that there was a world outside the delivery room, and, this was 24 hours that would pass...eventually. We never imagined how powerful a role this blog would play in the birth of our child. Thank you.
It's strange to think that we go home tomorrow. Ethan will meet his dog--Sarah--and explore his "oriental" bedroom. I feel so blessed by the support of my husband, Troy, who hung in there with me and has been AMAZING these past 3 days (and the months before). We are a family and my heart could not be more full with the love of these two guys in my life.
I felt the ancestors gather round the night I gave birth. I have felt the love of my friends and family in the days since. And now I'm ready to take the next step living in the abundance of love that this little on has brought into our lives. Good night.
Kathryn, Troy and Ethan:
Congratulations on a wonderful natural childbirth experience! And thank you all for sharing the miracle of Ethan's birth. He is definitely a beautiful little boy.
I need to know the "colors" in Ethan's "oriental" bedroom - you guessed it, he has to have the perfect blankey with satin trim to rub! Once you're settled in at home and ready for visitors, give the Warren's a call. We have lots of experience if you need a babysitter!
God bless all of you, enjoy your peaceful night's sleep!
Kathryn, Troy and Ethan:
Congratulations on a wonderful natural childbirth experience! And thank you all for sharing the miracle of Ethan's birth. He is definitely a beautiful little boy.
I need to know the "colors" in Ethan's "oriental" bedroom - you guessed it, he has to have the perfect blankey with satin trim to rub! Once you're settled in at home and ready for visitors, give the Warren's a call. We have lots of experience if you need a babysitter!
God bless all of you, enjoy your peaceful night's sleep!
Kathryn-Congratulations! I'm so glad you were able to achieve this awesome miracle of natural childbirth. It is something to be in awe of, esp for you! I'm sad I wasn't able to be working to be a part of your delivery (if you would've had me!), as I sit home at 37 weeks and await my twins! But, you had great mothering hands on you, and I'm proud to say those girls are not just my co-workers, but my friends! Enjoy that sweet boy!!
Don't forget to take that baby in the washing machine off the sidebar of your blog. :)>
Grace upon grace... this new little life.
Diana H
Now that's the picture I've been waiting for... What a beautiful new family! ... and what a beautiful post. K - you are always so eloquent...even on no sleep. I guess the inspiration was about as good as it gets.
I'm so glad you guys had such an amazing experience & am so grateful that you were able to share it like this. It is going to be an amazing piece of family history to go back to.
I'm also so glad that you got to stay in the hospital another night!!! I hope you got some rest. Enjoy your first day home.
Kathryn, he is just beautiful, and I'm thankful to you and Troy for sharing the journey with us on your blog, particularly the last 24 hours. If anyone has the discipline and desire to have a natural childbirth with a midwife, it's definitely you. We're praying here for your new little family.
Congrats, congrats, congrats!! And welcome to the world, Ethan Ross! We look forward to meeting you soon - Kathryn & Troy, y'all rest and enjoy this time. See you soon, we'll be thinkin' of y'all -
Mon & Chris
Kathryn, Troy and baby Ethan:
I am in awe! Welcome to the family, Ethan! You have amazing parents.
Nancy & Mike
Wow! I can't wait to meet Ethan Ross in person. God is soooo good and I'm soooo happy for you guys.
The beauty of your family is truely a gift from God. To see the three of you lightens my heart. I so very very proud of you and Troy and all the other people whom took part in little Ethan's birth.
Welcome to the world, Ethan! The Powers family says a big hello. Kathryn and Troy, we praise God for the blessing of life. Praying all are thriving. Whoopee!
Joni, Tim and Hannah
He is beautiful! What a joy. Teisha and I miss you and we love your blog to keep us updated on Ethan and you. Enjoy your blessing, they are the closest thing on earth to God's unconditional love.
We love you and are prayers are with you always.
Love Julie and Teisha
Kathryn and Troy,
What a beautiful son you have! How lucky he is to be born into such a loving family too. I look forward to officially meeting the newest Ransdell soon!
Love, Sher
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