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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Just waiting

Being told that you are going to be induced AND being placed on extreme bedrest is not the best combination for my "constitution." (I love this word "constitution" that my grandmother used to describe people's make-up.) I would rather be up doing, working, running errands, shopping...anything to get my mind off of how many days and hours are left until this starts. In some ways, knowing "when" this event will get kicked off is somewhat like having a marathon date. The days and hours leading up to a marathon are all a mental game as you taper your running and allow your body to rest before the event. You take those days and see yourself running, allow your body to imagine how good it will be to be in the run and to finish the run. It's mental preparation. I'm applying that same strategy to the birth. If this is my "taper down" time, then let's think forward to what this will be like. We expect the baby to be born on Friday. We will be posting updates to the blog as our hospital is "wireless."

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