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Thursday, April 17, 2008

God has given us a small gift!

The most amazing beautiful thing just happened! I would like to introduce to the world Ethan Ross Ransdell! My new son! He is perfectly healthy and Kathryn is healthy too… I’m at a loss for words… Ethan is 6lbs 15oz and a remarkable 21 inches long!... Born exactly at 7:15am. Natural birth... More later, I can hardly type.


Unknown said...

Yea!!! Congratulations!!! Hugs to all... we will look forward to more posts.


Robin (& Will)

Anonymous said...

GLORY TO GOD! We welcome you to our family, Ethan Ross Ransdell! I am so proud of you Kathryn and Troy you will be amazing parents and a great example of LOVE to Ethan. May the God of ALL creation bless you with abundant peace and joy this day for your lives will forever be changed. The angels in heaven rejoice with us who have just recieved this wonderful gift! Congratulations!
Your Sister, Tracey
(p.s. I told you it would be a boy, giggle giggle)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ethan,
I can't wait to meet you, hug you and kiss your sweet face. All these people around you today love you so much. Hang in there, and get some rest and some grub from Mom. I will see you soon. I love you, Ethan.
Aunt Tracey or Aunt T or Whatever you want to name me.....I don't care, I'm just glad you're finally here.

Mrs.Preppy said...

Words cannot express how happy we are for the Ransdell family. Ray and I are cannot wait to meet this newest member of your family.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What a wonderful day. JiM

Mrs.Preppy said...

Ray and I are so happy for the newest addition to the Ransdell family! We are sending our well wishes and prayers for baby Ethan.

Anonymous said...

Congrats mom and dad!!!
We feel like we've had this baby with you. Thanks for all the excitement!


Anonymous said...

Congrats mom and dad! We feel like we've had this baby with you. Thanks for all the excitement!


Unknown said...

Congratulations!! I can't imagine how excited the two of you are! May God bless and be with you both and your new addition!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to meet the new member of your family. It's obvious from your last blog that the impact of what you've both just brought into this world is starting to sink in a bit. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! Yea, a boy! You are both going to be great parents. Welcome Ethan : )


Anonymous said...


Love to all from the Hay Family!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the birth of Ethan!! I am so happy for you two! You are truly blessed.


Let's Get Cookin'! said...

There are absolutely NO words to tell you the absolte DELIGHT we are all feeling! I am on the phone with Lisa Test and Penney Bates I know our joy can not come close to COMPARING with yours!! Your beautiful son now shares a birthday with one of the most amazing people I know - and Penney was so excited to know she now shares a birthday with someone as special as Ethan Ross Ransdell! MANY BLESSINGS TO YOU ALL - I can't wait to meet him!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Babies are amazing gifts from God. Thank you for sharing with all your freinds. It just keeps getting better, too!!

Marhs Byers

Karen said...

Congratulations!!! Can't wait to meet Ethan. ~Karen

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world Ethan Ross! Our love and prayers are with all of you. Fiedlers.......

Anonymous said...

It's strange commenting on this blog when I only know of Kathryn through Troy, but I have to say that I have been so touched by your story. You both are very witty and quite entertaining! I've been checking your updates frequently and could hardly sleep last night. I am so happy to hear that baby Ethan is here and that he and mom are healthy. (I told you it was a boy!) Congratulations to the whole family and way to go Kathryn! I'm sure it was a long night, but isn't it funny how soon we forget the pain when the baby arrives? I am truly happy for you all.
-amy f.

Unknown said...

God bless all of you! Post pictures!!!! All our love,
The Warrens

Unknown said...

Just told Katie about the baby being a boy - she can't wait to go shopping! She lives to shop and is beside herself to get to the store and find the cutest baby boy clothes in the world! Have a great morning, rest when you can! And congratulations again,


Meghan said...

Congratulations!! Prayers and praise for such a glorious gift from God. Love you guys and can't wait to meet little Ethan.

Anonymous said...

6 lbs, 16 ozs -- that's pretty close to 7 lbs :)

(Maybe it's troy ounces.)

Anonymous said...

Praise be to God!! We can't wait to meet Ethan...Congratulations to mom and dad! Sending our love and prayers ~ Kristen and Alan

Anonymous said...

Love to the three of you.

Tom & M'Lou

Anonymous said...

Ethan you are blessed to be born to two great parents. To Kathryn and Troy( and Sarah); I'm so happy about the new addition to your family.

Anonymous said...

Praise, Joy, Joy, very exciting (I couldn't concentrate at work for thinking of you both). So very happy for you, is he wearing his Urban Life T-Shirt home (I know you have one for him K!)
Love & Happiness to all,
Monica and Chris