UrbanLife classes began this week ... my first time to teach since I arrived at First Church. I'm really enjoying the people in the classes and the topics we are discussing. Tonight was a girl's group and we discussed perfectionism. Of course, only a handful of women deal with this subject ;)
I was so blessed while teaching to remember that I don't have to change what I believe about myself...but I do have to change what I believe God believes about me. And if I start there--what God believes about me--that will eventually change my mind and heart about my beliefs about myself.
When I can change my mind and heart, then that will bring about changes in my body and soul. For me, perfectionism held me back from truly understanding God's purpose for my life. As God broke the stronghold of perfectionism in my life, I was able to understand what Paul said to the Galatians -- Christ came to bring us freedom.
Is Perfectionism a by-produce of our easy, comfortable luxurious lifestyle in the US? Probably so. When I have traveled to other parts of the world (and sometimes the other parts of this city) where people fight for survival, somehow the issue of my thighs or latest wrinkle or how I look a pair of jeans takes a backseat.
I want to give a shout-out to my friend and colleague Paula Miltenberger, PhD, who co-presented with me tonight. We've had quite a journey since I met her in 1999 and I feel so blessed that God has brought our paths together again.
Want to find out if you a perfectionist? Here is an online quiz from Discovery Health.
I made pretty much all A's through high school -- I think because in a warped way I thought it meant I was better than my classmates. Then I went to college, pledged a fraternity and had absolutely no time to do homework or study. I ended up making a 'D' in Calculus. And guess what -- the world didn't come to an end. No one thought any less of me -- they really could care less. What a freeing moment in my life! I think that was the point when I started realizing that wisdom was worth much more than intelligence.
I often have to remind myself that being perfected in Christ does not mean you must be perfect. Rather it means admitting that you are imperfect and rejoicing that God's grace is ever present to fill in your cracks.
hey, I got a 71 on the quiz..my first instinct is to say...crap! that's a 'C' ha! I actually thought I would score as more of a perfectionist that the quiz indicates. Maybe that praying and becoming stuff is working :) I'm so glad the class is taking off and going so well.
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