I received this email from a church member today. She brought her new beagle puppy to the Blessing of the Animals and reports that the blessing "took." (Human names have been deleted but Yoda is the name of the beagle puppy.)
Dear Kathryn, We adopted an adorable little beagle puppy about 3 months ago. My boys (ages 4 and 6) absolutely LOVE him and as much as I hate to admit it my husband and I have fallen in love with him as well. His name is YODA. We brought Yoda and his cousin Maxie to the blessing of the animals a few weeks ago and we all had a blast. Yesterday Yoda went to the vet to be neutered. A very simple every day procedure for the vet, nothing complicated. We were to pick him up at 4:30. My husband called around 1ish to check on Yoda and they said the vet would have to call him back. The vet eventually called him back to tell him that Yoda had gone into cardiac arrest on the table, his heart had stopped and they had to do CPR and compressions, pump him full of some drugs, etc......................for several minutes it was touch and go. They weren't sure if he had blood in his lungs from the compressions, how long his brain had gone w/out oxygen etc......so we really didn't know what to expect when we picked him up. We went to pick up Yoda last night around 7:30 (they had kept him the rest of the day for observation) and you can imagine our relief when he came running in wagging his tail with lots of kisses for the entire family. As the vet was explaining what had happened that day, he was completely at a loss for what had transpired in the operating room. He said there was absolutely no reason for this to have happened and he was stumped but very grateful that Yoda was ok. My 6 year old, sings in the Carol Choir and had on his Blessing of the Animals shirt (coincidence??). The vet and his assistant inquired as to what Blessing of the Animals was. We explained what it was, talked about our church and their new mission with UrbanLife. I said kind of joking "looks like his blessing didn't take". The vet very quickly said "I totally disagree. Do you know Yoda actually died on that operating table today. I think his blessing definitely worked and it ended up saving his life". Well from the entire family, thank you for bringing the Blessing of the Animals to FUMC Dallas and for Blessing our Yoda. It looks like his blessing ended up saving his life.
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