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Friday, October 12, 2007

1 Corinthians 10:23

Regarding yesterday's post about the Fair Food.  It's about 12:45 am early Friday morning.  And let me just tell you what is going through my mind right about now as I'm communing in my bathroom....1 Corinthians 10:23.  This translation is from God's Word (no idea its credibility as a translation but it's what I found when I googled the text).
"Someone may say, 'I'm allowed to do anything,' but not everything is helpful.  I'm allowed to do anything, but not everything encourages growth."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When thinking of eating problems, I like most people, wrestle with how to lose the pounds caused by overeating. However, today's news reminded me of the horrible flip-side which effects so many people today -- especially girls & young women. These are the eating disorders, anorexia & bulimia. In Italy, a woman named Isabello Caro has allowed herself to be photographed nude and featured on Billboard ads in an attempt to fight anorexia. Why 27-year-old Isabello? Isabello weighs 68 pounds and has suffered with anorexia since she was a young teen. Her hope is that her shocking photos will jar some of those dealing with eating diorders to seek medical and psychiatric help. (for more of her story go to:

(warning: nudity)

Anorexia and bulimia are disorders of the brain. How the brain becomes rewired, as such, is just in the infancy stage of study. (I am familiar with eating disorders as my sister suffered through them for decades and faced near-death.) Like depression and other mental illnesses, eating disorders can be controlled with anti-depressants, in fact, that is how my sister is now able to lead a healthy life. So if you suspect family or friends of suffering from eating disorders please help them get to a doctor. They cannot just heal themselves on their own.

It is interesting how obesity and anorexia go hand-and-hand as serious problems in today's society. To quote the Moody Blues it's a 'Question of Balance'. Also interesting is how this Question of Balance ( and I would also say acceptance of paradoxes)undergirds much of the philosophy of Methodism. JiM