Today's post is a part 2 from the post "Allow." A life lesson for me is that sometimes I need to just allow: Allow me to be me and allow that to be okay, allow others to be who they are and allow THAT to be okay, and allow God to still be working on my life.
Since that post, I've been thinking about the word "allowance." Those were good days when money came from doing such simple tasks as taking out the trash. Chores seemed like such an imposition back in the day. Now, I would take my neighbor's trash out if only they would pay me. (Okay, maybe not unless it was priced per trip.) We don't use the word allowance that often, mainly when speaking about a child's allowance, IRS allowances, or travel allowances. It makes me wonder what God's allowances look like to us, God's children.
Paul writes in Romans 8:
15 For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption. When we cry, "Abba! Father!" 16 it is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ? if, in fact, we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him. 18 I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us.
Is our allowance from God this spirit of adoption and ultimately being made an heir of God? If so, what am I opening myself to receive from God and how is that changing the way I live my life right now?
When I became interested in teaching yoga classes, what drew me to teaching is that I saw more REAL transformation in yoga students than in church members who had listened to me preach Sunday after Sunday. Yet the message I was preaching had everything to do with transformation. It seems to me the church has this amazing message of transformation, of going from living a fear-based-life to living a spirit-based life, and yet the church does not offer the path to this transformation. We can speak about it, but we aren't quite sure how to show anyone the first step, then the second step, then the third step on this path. It's like we are missing Operations in the church today.
Okay, final thought for today's blog: Are you open to receiving an allowance from God, and if so, will you expect it today?
Okay, final, final thought for today's blog: So I sent out an initial email and survey to the 187 email addresses that First Church has for active members, visitors and prospects between the ages of 22-36. I made a mistake and did exactly what I have been saying I don't want people to do with this new ministry: make distinctions based on how couplehood is defined legally. So for all of you who fall somewhere between single and married, it was my blindspot not to have a third option for "coupled." My bad. Probably won't be the last mistake that I will make so it is good that we learn to practice forgiveness early in our relationship.
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