That slight twinge of a scratch set in last night. Today, the twinge morphed into a "it's-starting-to-hurt-to-swallow" kind of feeling in my throat. I can hear the grandmother voice inside of me saying it's probably just allergies. Nonetheless, I spent 2006 building the white-night-in-shining-armor-blood-cells and this first hint of illness in more than a year is not a welcomed visitor.
Being a fan of homeopathy, I loaded the dog in the car to trek to CVS for the miracle product, Airborne. I have found this plop, plop-fizz, fizz mixture to be a great relief--for sore throats that is. I added a second secret weapon today: the Airborne Gummi Lozenge. The instructions on the side of the box read, "Allow one lozenge to dissolve slowly in mouth." The adverb "slowly" first caught my attention as if I had any control over how quickly this lozenge could dissolve in my mouth. It seems that "slowly" is more in the design of the product and less in the chemical make-up of my mouth. I can't control how "slowly" this will dissolve.
It drives me crazy that I can't control how things will happen around me, as in this case, how slowly things will happen in my mouth. I wish I could control more, you know, decide when this event should occur or that experience should happen. Am I control freak? I took an online, official test to see if I was a control freak and it came out that I'm a 24% Control Freak. (Okay, those of you who REALLY know me are laughing). By the way, the yoga pose used to illustrate my control nature is one of my favorite poses--it's a pose all about balance and letting go of control.
You Are 24% Control Freak |
![]() You have achieved the perfect balance of control and letting go. You tend to roll with whatever life brings, but you never get complacent. |
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