The Today Show spot was "How to Treat your Loved Ones Like a Celebrity this Christmas" and the person presenting is a professional shopper who can find all the things that are the "musts" if you want to copy celebrities' lives. The first item on the list--these "Ho Ho Christmas Stockings" that replace the traditional stockings hung by the fire. I don't know where to start....just to say that Christmas is not about making us feel good or feel happy or feel like a Celebrity. I'm not sure what it is about except that it is the annual observance of a season of the Christian year. And somehow from this observance we have derived "Ho Ho Christmas Stockings." It makes me want to run and hide in a convent the rest of my life.
looks more like christmas stockings for Ho's.
One of the best Christmas's I ever had was one when I was alone. My family and I were seperated due to illness, distance, and a few other details. I was determined not to be depressed or saddened by it.
I attended church on the Eve, went home and looked at my little tree and allowed the Lord to love me as He loved His only Son. I was joyful in my small way that I could focus on His birth and kept great company by the Word. I was never more at peace, nor more loved than that time.
The next day, in the evening, brought my family and I together. I let 'this little light of mine' shine on them.
I've never told this to another soul until now. Thank you for letting me share it...it still makes me smile. All the other stuff out there is just noise. Ignore it. It will go away.
Merry, merry Christmas!
Wow, those 'stockings' so wouldn't go with my popcorn strewn tree and my advent wreath. YIPE!
Those stockings look like they should be for the Santa's X-rated helpers. I prefer the preppy ribbon stripe from Crate & Barrel much more.
It's sad that Christmas is getting "Diva'ed" up like so many other things. Christmas should be a celebration of the birth of our Savior, and we're seeing completely inappropriate stockings, "naughty" Mrs. Claus costumes and the like. In a way I'm glad our Christmas this year is one of forced simplicity. It makes you reflect on why you do what you do this time of year, and less on all the fuss and fluff that would otherwise accompany December.
I hope that convent has plenty of room, and maybe twelve-foot walls.
I get what you are saying, but if you have never seen a live performance of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, it’s a must see. In their show, they tell a story loosely based on Christmas – but the music is like none you’ve ever heard before. Additionally they do a set of random songs, some based on famous classical pieces. You will not believe their rendition of ‘Flight of the Bumble Bee’.
Dallas is one of their main support areas (they have two performances to great crowds in Dallas, whereas only one in most of their other stops), since they first became famous with Ron Chapman’s annual playing of their song, ‘Christmas Eve / Sarajevo 12/24’, on his radio Christmas music marathon.
This is not your parents’ idea of Christmas music (excluding my sons), but it presents a message of love and it is very enjoyable.
Tickets are now on sale for their Fri, Dec 28th performances at American Airlines Center -- enjoyed by teens to adults. Here is their website:
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