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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Moments that are larger than you

I experienced one of those moments in life that felt larger than me today.  UrbanLife planted the Easter flowers at First Church -- our gift to the church.  Our efforts were directed pro-bono by Jackie Caswell, owner of Jackie Grows It.  Jackie donated her services in memory of her husband, Dr. Jim Caswell, who died last summer from cancer.  And everything about this event -- from how the idea originated, to the people who joined us, to the execution of the plan -- it all seemed so God inspired and Jim-directed (he was the v.p., so to speak, of organization and administration).  So if you get a chance, drive by Ross and Harwood and see our work.  I think there are angels standing all around those flower beds--that's how much larger today felt for me than just planting some flowers.  And I stood in the middle of it all watching God work.