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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Feel Your Feet

May 31, 2007
"Feel your feet"--this is my mantra for when I'm just trying to stay present in the moment. Sometimes life is so full of good things and sometimes full of bad things and it is my work to stay connected to God and my feet on the ground through both kinds of things. I love how Eckhart Tolle describes this work in his book "The Power of Now." I love that he draws on eastern and western traditions and that he includes Scriptures which are part of my tradition that help me to connect with his message.

To me, staying connected with God--ie, worshiping God--is all about staying present in the moment, sensing God's presence and becoming fully aware that God is working in this world through me--and through you too! When I become still inside long enough regardless of how fast the world is moving on the outside, God's presence becomes more real and full and overflowing. I know that presence is there all along; I was just too busy to notice.

I think the world could use more people who feel their feet.


dnelon said...

Well said. As I have come to expect from you over the years, your point is simple and clear. Wishing you the very best in your new ministry.


Anonymous said...

We miss you already! Shannon and I will stay connected. We want to help you in your new venture. I'll shoot you an email and we can talk about what you're up to and how we can help.

best wishes & God bless always!
