June 5, 2007
This is Methodist ministers week here in North Texas, which means all the Methodist ministers and all the Methodist lay people get together and read reports. Every now and then, we give a nod to Jesus. Mostly, though, we are reporting about how we are hoping that the Lord is working among us.
I had a reality-check moment on Monday when one report included a video of this young-blond who just graduated from seminary and she was ready to go out and serve God. Watching the video, I realized that was me EIGHT years ago at the age of 24. (By the way, the picture at left, I'm 2 years old.)
Wow...there was so much possibility in my world and I had no idea back then all I was capable of doing. (I'm walking on thin ice trying to avoid being cliche in my blogging at this moment--you know, I don't want to be gathering ye rosebuds while I may.) After conference on Monday, I asked Troy if I was too old right now to do young, urban professional ministry. (Just so you know, Troy was a good husband--he told me I was still young, pretty, talented, blah, blah, blah...)
What my age crisis left me with was a passion to go and do this ministry--UrbanLIFE--at First Dallas as if today, this month, and this year is the only opportunity I will get to influence people's lives in powerful ways. In just a few years, I will be older than this target audience...no longer a young, urban professional but a mid-life urban professional (for all my mid-life friends, there is nothing wrong with mid-life...just not sure what it will be like to be there.)
Do you just go from young-to-old overnight? Is it possible to live today so that I know it is today? Or, it is part of life's very fabric that you can't realize the textures of life until the weaving is done?
Young-to-old overnight? No, I don't think so.
Does it go by quickly when it's good and slowly when it's not? Yes, and you can decide to be present in each moment.
I speak from experience when I say that you choose the threads you weave into the 'fabric-of-life' each day.
Discern the colors and textures you select with genuine caring, love, and prayer, and it will be extraordinary. As the maker, only you will see the flaws - others will only see your talent, your beauty -the creation that has come from and is - you.
~ A Friend
PS: I still 'rock out' to Aerosmith, have 'girlfriends', buy cute shoes, and freak-out my kids when I know the words to their music (!) Age is a state of mind - just ask my 83-years-young dad.
The speed of life.
My experience has been that we can choose to slow it down as we breathe it in OR we can let it pass by. When we choose the later -it does go by very quickly!
I wonder what motivates our choice - to breath or not? to let it go by quickly or not so quickly?
Someday, at some unique time and place I think we will bump into the reason - but will we recognize it?
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