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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Long weekends are nice, but what really counts are your habits

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

After a great weekend, it was nice to get back into the groove of work, even when that groove is more of a "packing" groove like it is for me right now. I left a message with a massage therapist today and said words I never imagined would come out of my mouth: "I'm between jobs right now so my schedule is pretty flexible." Between jobs right now--that's a strange place to be in when we live in a society that defines us by our jobs.
What was nice about today is that I fell back into the habits after a long weekend of relaxing. I like my habits: getting up early, doing yoga, eating breakfast and getting started on a full-day's work. The long weekend was nice but I didn't do the things that I do every day of my life.
It made me think about other habits. What are the habits of people who follow Christ? I want to call this new ministry UrbanLIFE, as a play on words. I believe we are all called to live abundant lives of joy and peace, and, it takes habits to create these lives. What are these habits that produce deep peace in life? If you have an idea, I would love to hear it!

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