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Thursday, January 10, 2008

First Pregnancy Cold

I've known this was a possibility...getting a cold while pregnant...and it happened this week. And a cold while pregnant is no fun because I can't take my beloved friend of past colds, Advil Cold & Sinus. I'm doing the things your grandmother said to do...drink orange juice, get lots of vitamin c and sleep.
If I wasn't pregnant, I would be popping those Advils and pushing through this. But when sleep is one of the 3 things you can do, it's sometimes hard to just let go and go back to bed. Americans don't like to sleep. I think we might see resting as a sign of weakness. For those who can pull all-nighters or exist on 4-5 hours a night, we secretly envy them and wonder if they are a better species. On the topic of sleep, my husband thinks it is a useless waste of time and wonders why the need for sleep hasn't been changed over the last million or so years.
I've always loved sleep...I'm an 8-9 hour-a-night girl. I think sleep exists because it is a reminder that we are dependent on someone or something else. We are most vulnerable while sleeping to forces in this world and forces outside this world. In sleep, dreams and visions can come to us even if we don't want them to. Our subconscious can nudge us to do the next right thing, even if it's not the most preferred thing. And, sometimes we just have weird dreams that make no sense. The Buddha says that reality is what happens when you sleep; waking is actually your dreams. (Think on that one...)
In the creation story, it describes the first day as this: "It was evening and then morning, the first day." A "day" starts with the begins with going to bed. What better way to acknowledge that you are not in control than to start your day by letting go of all control. And when we wake up, we join God as co-creators in a day that is half-over!
May you sleep well knowing that God our Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer does not sleep or slumber. He will not let you fall.


Anonymous said...

I just got over a cold too, and it lasted longer than any pre-pregnancy cold. It was such a challenge to MAKE myself sleep, rather than relying on those handy medicines that always do the trick. Glad to see you made it through!

Anonymous said...

Kathryn: The scripture says "The just man (tsdek) righteous falleth seven times,and riseth again." (Prov. 24:16) In fact scripture is full of people who fell, Jacob, David, Peter and all rose again.Does God allow us to fall perhaps to teach us a lesson?

Does Buddha have something to do with Christianity? Does he offer wisdom to the Christian? Should we study him? Is the Apocrypha canon?
When we pray should we pray in the name of Jesus or should we just say in the name of the son, so as not to offend anyone?

Unknown said...

Wouldn't it be unfortunate if we as Christians all believed that no other religion could teach us anything? I think the point was not to say that Buddha has something to do with Christianity, but to share another perspective, perhaps even just food for thought.