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Friday, June 29, 2007


It is no longer raining.

This is a LEAK.

Someone call the Landlord.

Tell Mother Nature to call her plumber.

Fix the caulk. Stop the LEAK.

Rain is a DRIP.

Turn the faucet to stop the

In that joint where sky meets earth

the rain carved a crevice.

The LEAK entered earth.

Poured out all over the place.

Poured out for you and for many.

Carve a crevice for GRACE.

Not a DRIP we seek.

But a LEAK.

A downpour.

A huge crevice in that joint

where heaven meets earth.

Someone call the Landlord--

Tell the Goddess

We're Thirsty.

Crevice, please?
--krr, 6.28.07

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