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Monday, August 27, 2007


Incipe; dimidium facti est coepisse. Supersit Dimidium: rursum hoc incipe, et efficies.
Begin; to begin is half the work. Let half still remain; again begin this, and thou wilt have finished.

UrbanLife had a great beginning last night as the Leadership Team met for its 3rd time. This team is composed of 13 people who blindly agreed to help me figure out if and how a downtown traditional Methodist church can be engaged in ministry with uptown/downtown young urban professionals with disposable incomes and play-filled lifestyles.

For the most part, the Leadership Team didn't know one another before August. We are still learning about each other and finding out who does what and how they do it. So last night, with the church completely empty, we met in the gym to assemble "Save the Date" Reminders for the Blessing of the Animals (Oct. 7, 5:30 pm in Reverchon Park, off the Katy Trail.)

I gave them all the supplies and a couple of samples and then let them figure it out. Not only did the project get done, but we learned a lot about each other and how we do things and how we are going to work together.

Beginnings are such a creative much learning about yourself and others. As my friend Linda Bush says, "Beginnings are all about time-zeros."

I'm enjoying the beginnings in my life. It reminds me that we serve a God who created this world and continues to create this day. Beginnings are always followed by endings which sometimes launch new beginnings. Learning to observe and release judgement of beginnings and endings, for me, is freedom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With the theme of friendship in the last post and beginnings/endings in this post, I thought of my favorite song: